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Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Algerian Research Network (ARN)

ARN, the Algerian National Research and Education Network is funded by he Algerian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research and is operated since 1994 by Networks Division at the Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information.
ARN is connecting 110 institutions: all universties, research centres, high schools. ARN is built on a national backbone with 9 PoPs and is using two international links with about 3,1 Giga bps: one with GEANT Pan-European Research and Education Network (2.5 Gbps) and other link for Internet commodity with commercial provider (622 Mbps). Connection to GÉANT is partly funded by the EC through the EUMEDCONNECT projects since 2004, AfricaConnect2 since 2016 and AfricaConnect3 since 2020.
This current ARN backbone is available since the first quarter of 2011. This  backbone is an MPLS network with Giga Ethernet connectivity between 9 PoPs operated by ARN NOC and using the fiber infrastructure of Algerie Telecom national Telecom operator. All the connected institutions are connected between 100Mps and 10Mbps (all universities are at 100 Mps).  ARN backbone is an IpV6 network and will be extended to IpV6 services on the edge.
ARN includes following services :
  • Ipv4, Ipv6 & mpls
  • national grid services DZ e-Sciences GRID : www.grid.arn.dz
  • certification authority for GRID services DZ e-Science CA: www.ca.grid.arn.dz
  • national wifi mobility federation «  eduroam » - ARNeduroam : www.eduroam.arn.dz
  • national identity federation  – ARNaai : www.aai.arn.dz
  • ARN is Membership of « Edugain » with GEANT
DZ e-Science GRID:
DZ e-Science GRID is an initiative funded also by the Algerian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research, to set up Grid infrastructure and Grid computing. The DZ e-Science GRID is part of the Algerian Research Network ARN services. The national GRID initiative started in 2006 and was boosted by EUMEDGRID EC projects in 2006-2007 and 2010-2012.
DZ e-Science Certification Authority had been launched in September 2011. DZ e-Science CA is fully operational with accreditation from the European organisation EugridPMA which coordinates the trust fabric for e-Science authentication in Europe and collaborates with the regional peers APGridPMA for the Asia-Pacific and The Americas GRID PMA in the International Grid Trust Federation.
More information: www.arn.dz & www.grid.arn.dz

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