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DEADLINE EXTENDED – AfricaConnect3 launches online photo contest with prizes! #iShareAC3

DEADLINE EXTENDED – AfricaConnect3 launches online photo contest with prizes! #iShareAC3

Posted on: 19 Jan, 2022

We are excited to announce that the AfricaConnect3 (AC3) Partners are launching AC3’s first Twitter photo contest I share! Started as an opportunity to build a valuable repository of user-generated images, we hope that the contest will increase awareness of the project impact on the African Research & Education community and bolster affinity with our followers!
I share! targets our partner African NRENs and fellow users of AC3-supported research and education network services. We are looking for pictures representing: users, events, training, networks and infrastructure.
The Submission deadline EXTENDED: 6 April 2022. The winners will be announced during WACREN2022. 
Don’t forget to use the hashtag #iShareAC3 to be considered in the contest!
We will select 10 winners who will be awarded each with a gift basket containing AC3 – branded merchandise. Now is your time to share your picture and be seen!
More information and details about eligibility, submission conditions and prizes at the AC3 website

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