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Kick-Off Meeting of an EU Tempus Funded Project on Open Source Software Curricula Enhancement in Universities (OSSCOM)

Kick-Off Meeting of an EU Tempus Funded Project on Open Source Software Curricula Enhancement in Universities (OSSCOM)

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Bonn, Germany, April 27th, 2014

With the participation of Arab and European public and private entities, the Kick-Off Meeting of an EU Tempus Funded Project on Open Source Software Curricula Enhancement (OSSCOM) in Universities in Lebanon and Jordan, took place in Bonn, Germany, April 27th, 2014. The meeting was hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the German-based Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Appli ed Sciences and was attended by 10 partners from five countries (Germany, Spain, UK, Lebanon and Jordan).

The OSSCOM project has been selected for funding by the European Commission - EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency). It aims at promoting the use of Open Source Software (OSS) through building capacity, where graduates of universities in Jordan and Lebanon will be equipped with the essential skills in OSS to improve their chances on the job market and enable them to contribute to the diffusion of OSS in key sectors as an alternative solution to proprietary software as well as to enhance their entrepreneurship and ICT innovation capabilities. The German Jordanian University and Lebanese university will serve as centers of Open Source Software to provide support for local companies as well as the society at large in OSS technology solutions.

For more information, visit OSSCOM website: http://www.osscom.org

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