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NRENs are making the case

NRENs are making the case

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023


Re-thinking the work and values of research and education networks

Yousef Torman, Managing Director of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), have been representing ASREN and the AfricaConnect3 project Partners in several scientific international conferences in the past months, advocating that we should move beyond “making the case for NRENs” and rather start thinking that “NRENs are making the case”

CONNECT 39 caught up with Yousef Torman to provide insight into why to re-think the work and values of research and education networks and how they can grow beyond their typical role.

NRENs need to evolve to stand the test of time and remain relevant and be able to adapt to global trends and respond to unforeseen national, regional and global challenges”.

Read the full interview with Yousef in CONNECT 39: https://connect.geant.org/CONNECT39

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