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ORCID is open to everyone

ORCID is open to everyone

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023


ORCID is open to everyone who may find ORCID useful

For simplicity we often use the word “researcher” when referring to an ORCID record holder, but remember the “C” in ORCID stands for “contributor” — our users come from all sectors of the research community, including students, research administrators and citizen scientists.
We ensure inclusivity and encourage the persistence of ORCID iDs by keeping our policies open, so anyone can register for an ORCID iD, anywhere in the world and in all subject areas.
We believe that it is our commitment to these values of openness and inclusivity that has resulted in the broad adoption of ORCID iDs.

ORCID iDs have been adopted by people in all countries around the world, and woven into the research management systems of universities, publishers and funding agencies.
Please register for your ORCID iD at, https://orcid.org/register

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