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Science Gateway

Science Gateway

Posted on: 03 Mar, 2015

Science Gateway (SG/SGW) is a "community-development set of tools, applications, and data that is integrated via a portal or a suite of applications, usually in a graphical user interface, that is further customized to meet the needs of a specific community".
ASREN is developing the Arab SG for the Arab research communities to allow seamless access to resources, applications and facilities distributed worldwide through a secured authentication and authorization process. The present Science Gateway has been built in the context of the EU CHAIN and CHAIN-REDS projects to demonstrate how the Science Gateway paradigm and standard adoption can make e-Infrastructures worldwide, based on different middleware and architectures (Grid, HPC, Cloud or simply local clusters), interoperable amongst each other, at user application level.
How to join and access ASREN SG?
The access to ASREN Science Gateway requires federated credentials issued by an Identity Provider (IdP). If the organisation you belong to has an Identity Provider, click on the link "Sign In" which appears in the top right corner of the page. Otherwise, you can get federated credentials registering to ASREN Identity Provider which belongs to the GrIDP federation. Once registration procedure is completed, you can sign in again and select Catch-all as your Identity Federation and then ASREN IdP as your Identity Provider.
Examples of Science Gateways available in the Arab world are the following:
  • Algeria
  • Morocco

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