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The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance

The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 24th, 2014

The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance celebrates a milestone, with consistent definitions for principles of Internet governance and roadmap for future development of Internet governance, after the two-day meeting in Sao Paulo.  Organized in partnership with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) and /1Net, the meeting congregated 1,480 stakeholders with active voices, including remote participation, from a diversity of 97 nations.

The “NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement”, kept its final format after a process that started with 188 content contributions submitted by volunteer representatives of 46 countries. During the two-day event, the participants from 97 countries had the opportunity to contribute to the revision of the document through the discussion sessions. The sessions still consider the 1,370 comments made by the public on the outcome document, published on the official website of NETmundial, as well as comments submitted by more than 200 daily viewers who follow the event in real time through the more than 30 remote hubs around the world.

Virgilio Almeida, Chairman of NETmundial, has stated in the closing ceremony of the event: “This meeting is an undeniable proof that inclusiveness has its rewards, resulting in transparent and a democratic spirit towards a common goal. This is a milestone in Internet governance. Governments came together with all sectors to take this first step. The outcome should be seen as a contribution from a wide range of representatives that will meet in other processes dealing with Internet governance”.

NETmundial stands out for its multistakeholder and collaborative purpose, in which different sectors – such as governments, civil society, private sector, academia and global technical community – gathered to discuss the future of Internet governance, valuing the maintenance of a democratic environment.


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