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Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Tunisia National University Network (RNU)

Tunisia National Academic Network (in French Reseau National Universitaire, RNU for short) has been established and run by the Tunisian Computing Center al Khawarizmi (CCK) since 1997, CCK is also acting as an Internet service provider for the entire Tunisian academic community of nearly 400 000 users, 90% of whom are students and the rest are faculty members, full time researchers, and technical & administrative personnel. The RNU interconnects the networks of the various Tunisian universities, administrations, student's dorms, university restaurants, research centers and Technology Parcs. 

CCK also manages a data center and provides a set of Internet and applications services, including email, Telnet, FTP, web hosting, e-learning, library services (BIRUNI), Security services, SMS services, etc. RNU has undergone regular upgrades, the last of which started September 2017 and should be ending September 2021. This last upgrade has made major changes to the network infrastructure by putting optical fibers everywhere. CCK is now connecting basically about 445 sites, accessing its data center and the Internet through a very high speed core of 20 Gbps capacity. The combined bandwidth for the access networks is nearly 10 Gbps. Work is already underway to improve existing services as well as to introduce additional valued added services such as high performance computing services.
Since 2005, with the support of the EU co-funded projects EUMEDCONNECT and AfricaConnect (AfricaConnect3 at present), CCK has been connected continuously to the pan-European GÉANT network, connecting CCK and its user communities to the global research and education network fabric. 
More information: www.cck.rnu.tn

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