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Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Yemen Research and Education Network (YERENet)

Everything had started relatively early in Yemen on the side of NREN. Preparation for the necessary legislation, studies, and plans has started at the beginning of the third millennium and even before. YCIT-HE (Yemen Centre for Information Technology in Higher Education) has been created in 2007 as the outcome of the cooperation with the Kingdom of Holland (Nuffic and 'Delft University of Technology'). The cooperation with the European and Chinese partners has continued till 2012.  YCIT-HE has started with the networks of the two largest universities for $5 million in 2009, and for two other universities for $1.85 million and for $2.5 million. Unfortunately, since the 'Arab Spring' YCIT-HE activities are going very slowly and even sometimes stopped due to hostilities and lack of finance, but YCIT-HE continues offering the technical support for the universities in the side of MIS (Yemen Universities Integrated Information Systems) using some 'cloud computing' facilities, and also offering training for the technological staff of the  universities' computer centres.
More information: http://ycit-he.net

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